
In November of 2012 I launched Iowa Parklands to fulfill my interests in design, fitness and the outdoors. Iowa Parklands offers detailed, firsthand descriptions of Iowa’s most beloved parks plus printable trail map downloads. My favorite part of Iowa Parklands has been exploring hundreds of trail miles with GPS in hand to plot and create accurate maps. For sale on my website are a variety of products including bandanas featuring the maps I produced for many popular trails. The business continues to be an enjoyable outlet for me thanks to the new and exciting challenges that accompany growing a small business.
The information and creative works are my own and are not associated with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
May 2023
- Beautiful Land Market
Ames Downtown Fareway
619 Burnett Ave, Ames, IA 50010
Sunday | May 7th | 11 AM – 4 PM
June 2023
- Beautiful Land Market
Ames Downtown Fareway
619 Burnett Ave, Ames, IA 50010
Sunday | June 4th | 11 AM – 4 PM
- Ankeny Farmers Market
Ankeny Market & Pavilion Park
715 W 1st Street in Uptown Ankeny
Saturday | June 10, 17 and 24 | 8 AM – 12 PM
July 2023
- Northside Market
6th Ave in the Highland Park Business District, Des Moines, IA
Sunday | July 9th | 12 PM – 6 PM
November 2023
- Fall Makers Market at the Jester Park Nature Center
Jester Park Nature Center
12130 NW 128th Street, Granger, IA 50109
Sunday | November 19th | 11 AM – 4 PM